VPAT Arts Grant

The City of Vacaville is excited to share that the City Council of the City of Vacaville approved two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) to support the Vacaville arts community. The Supporting Live Entertainment at Vacaville Performing Arts Theatre (VPAT) Arts Grant program, funded by American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, represents a significant commitment to the arts and ensures major project support to individual artists, arts organizations, and arts education programs utilizing the Vacaville Performing Arts Theatre.

The impact of the VPAT Arts Grant on Vacaville’s overall cultural environment will be significant, as the funds will allow artists and presenting organizations to expand their programs and services. Many schools and youth-oriented groups host events and performances at VPAT. The formation of the VPAT Arts Grant will be vital in ensuring the arts remain an essential part of education in the community of Vacaville. The City of Vacaville believes that supporting arts organizations will help create a substantial, continuous, and prospering arts environment that benefits the community and artists and produces a rich array of cultural offerings for residents.

The VPAT Arts Grant is made possible by the City of Vacaville and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding. Both recognized the value of the arts as people and organizations began to recover from the devastating impacts of COVID-19.

The VPAT Arts Grant can cover up to $10,000 of VPAT production rental costs per rental event. Beginning 2023 and through December 2024, or when the funds are exhausted, whichever occurs first, rental clients of VPAT can apply for grant funding towards their upcoming contracted events.

Non-profit rental clients, with a 501(c)(3) tax code, can request up to 60% of the VPAT production rental costs, not to exceed $10,000 of the total rental costs.

For-profit rental clients can request up to 40% of the VPAT production rental costs, not to exceed $10,000 of the total rental costs.

Rental client grant applicants must utilize a VPAT-provided estimate of charges as a basis for the application award amount request.

At most, an applicant may be awarded two VPAT Arts Grants within one fiscal year. A single project cannot be funded from two VPAT Arts Grant applications.

VPAT Arts Grant applications from for-profit and/or non-Solano County resident organizations will be given lower priority than applications from non-profit and/or Solano County resident organizations. Qualifying rental clients will be awarded funding on a first-come, first-served basis as funding allows or until the expiration of the grant in December 2024, whichever occurs first.

VPAT Arts Grant funds are only to be used for VPAT rental costs, and the awarded amount will be disbursed to VPAT and deducted from the final settlement.


How do I apply?

If you have satisfied all of the eligibility criteria listed above, including obtaining a VPAT-provided estimate, you may submit a grant application no less than eight (8) weeks before your load-in date. Contracted VPAT Rental Clients can receive a VPAT Arts Grant application by request from VPAT Theatre Manager Rachel Morgan.

What is the Panel Process?

The VPAT Arts Grant panel includes the City of Vacaville and a VPAT staff. Grant application copies will be delivered to panel members within four (4) weeks of receiving the application. The grant panel will complete the review process. Award notification letters will be sent within three (3) days after the panel reaches a final decision.

What happens if I am approved?
VPAT will notify you that your application and the total funding amount have been approved. VPAT will deduct this amount from your production settlement following the close of your production.

What happens if I am not approved?
There is no limit on the number of applications submitted; however, you can only receive a maximum of two VPAT Arts Grants per fiscal year. If you are not approved, feel free to ask for feedback.

How is the money used and dispersed?
The money is used to cover theatre rental costs incurred by your production. Before submitting your application, all contract documents and deposits must be on file with VPAT. Award funding will be paid directly to VPAT to cover rental costs. The rental client’s production costs are not covered.

Do recipients need to recognize being awarded the grant?
The client is to recognize “Sponsored by the City of Vacaville” in all marketing materials if awarded.

How much funds can a recipient receive? 
Non-profit rental clients with a 501(c)(3) tax code can request up to 60% of their production rental costs, not to  exceed $10,000. For-profit rental clients can request up to 40% of production rental costs, not to exceed $10,000. **An estimate of charges is included with your final contract. The total estimated costs will be your basis for the award amount requested.

Award funds may only be used for VPAT rental costs.

Award funds are not transferable or redeemable for cash or check.

Award funds will continue to be issued until funds are exhausted or the grant funding expiration date of December 2024, whichever occurs first.

In its sole and non-appealable discretion, the City of Vacaville and VPAT reserve the right to refuse any application in whole or in part for any reason and reserves the right to refuse to provide an explanation of its decision. No action or statement by the City of Vacaville or VPAT or any constituent of the City of Vacaville or VPAT shall be deemed to create any legal right on the applicant’s part to any funding from the City of Vacaville.