The City of Vacaville presents

Serial Killers with Dr. Scott Bonn

The City of Vacaville presents Serial Killers with Dr. Scott Bonn

Spend a deliciously chilling evening with renowned criminologist and serial killer expert, Dr. Scott Bonn, as he takes you inside the minds of the world’s most savage and prolific murderers. In this thrilling 90-minute show, Dr. Bonn reveals the insatiable, psychological hungers that drive the likes of Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer to kill repeatedly with impunity and no remorse. He explains why the majority of serial killers are either psychopaths or sociopaths, how the two differ, the powerful influences of nature and nurture on the development of fledgling serial killers, and how/why serial killers are able to successfully avoid apprehension, blend into a crowd, and become invisible.

CAUTION: Given the subject, the content in Dr. Bonn’s show is frequently dark and can be disturbing. He incorporates some dark humor which in no way is intended to minimize the seriousness of the topic or the fact that lives have been destroyed by the diabolical killers he discusses throughout the show.



Friday, February 28, 2025 / 8:00PM